December 01, 2023

Congresswoman Hoyle’s Statement on the War Between Israel and Hamas

Washington, DC Following a resumption of fighting between Israel and Hamas, U.S. Rep. Val Hoyle (OR-04) released the following statement:

“I applaud President Biden and Secretary Blinken’s monumental work to achieve a multi-day deal to secure the release of over 100 hostages held by Hamas, provide much-needed humanitarian aid in Gaza and to achieve a temporary cessation of hostilities in the war between Israel and Hamas. I am encouraged that the Biden Administration worked to secure extensions of this deal and hope that they can achieve another cessation quickly so more hostages can be returned and more humanitarian aid can be delivered.

“While fighting has resumed, negotiations must continue to put all parties on a path to end this war and achieve a lasting peace.

“This is a complicated conflict, and it will take more difficult decisions and compromises to get to a diplomatic solution that would lead to a bilateral ceasefire. To end this war and finally achieve a lasting peace, the following must happen:

Hamas must return all remaining hostages. Hamas can no longer control Gaza nor have the ability to conduct any more horrific attacks on Israel and innocent civilians. Hamas must also end its indiscriminate rocket fire against Israel, and it must stop embedding itself among vulnerable people in Gaza as a means to increase civilian casualties.

“I strongly support Secretary Blinken’s recent statements calling on Israel to act according to international law and do more to prevent civilian deaths and casualties in Gaza. Israel must also put a stop to Israeli settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank and hold those accountable who are committing these crimes. The Israeli government must also cease settlement expansion in the West Bank.

“Palestinian civilians must be allowed to return home to their communities in Gaza and a massive international humanitarian and rebuilding effort must be made.

“All parties involved must begin to make concerted efforts to achieve a two-state solution where Israelis and Palestinians recognize each other’s right to live in peace and have prosperity. Israel has the right to exist, and Palestinians have a right to their own state.

“I unequivocally condemn extremists in Israel, including those in the Israeli government, who are calling for an ethnic cleansing and Israeli occupation of Gaza. I also unequivocally condemn those who have called for the State of Israel to cease to exist.

“Hamas’s unspeakable acts of violence against innocent civilians in Israel on October 7th can never be forgiven or excused. While Israel has a right to defend itself and prevent any more violent terrorist acts by Hamas, Israel also has a responsibility to protect innocent civilians.”
